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Diamond Colour

Diamonds come in a various colors (pink, blue, yellow etc.). Some of them have very high prizes. For a diamond that is white in color will be less costly if there is a yellow tint present in it. For a white diamond to have greater value it should have less body color because that will reflect more true color


Every diamond that we sell in Perrian is assigned a color grade by the EGL (European Gemological lab). The grading is done in an environment that is designed to eliminate the color from surrounding surfaces as well as the light source itself so that it allows an accurate measurement of the color of the diamond.

It is almost impossible to detect the minor differences in the color in a normal environment but they are easily recognizable in the designed environment. Regardless of who certifies the diamond the entire diamond industry has adopted the GIA diamond color scale and almost every diamond that is present in the market today is rated using the GIA color scale.

The diamond grading is scale that from D (colorless) and ends at Z (light color). Every diamond that falls under the category of D-Z grading is considered white, albeit they contain varying degrees of color. The diamonds that are true fancy colored (pink, blue, yellow etc.) are graded on a different scale.

D-E-F (Colorless)

It is true that the difference in color between D, E and F diamonds does exist however only an export gemologist can tell the difference between them. It is advisable to set the D-F diamonds in a jewelry that is made out of white gold / platinum because yellow gold reflects color which negates the colorless effect of the diamond.


G-H (Near Colorless)

Diamonds are suitable for a platinum or white gold setting because it betrays the essence of color in a diamond.


I-J (Near Colorless)

I-J are better suited than the diamonds with higher grades and they tend to be a great value.


K-M-N-Z (Faint Yellow)

In K diamonds the color i.e. slight tint of yellow is easily detectable to the naked eye. L-M have a slightly more yellow tint in them as compared to K.

The diamonds that fall into this category have yellow or brown tint very easily visible in them.

The diamonds that fall under this category have too much color to be called as white diamonds and are usually not preferred by anyone.


It becomes difficult to detect color once a diamond is placed in a ring and exposed to an environment that contains color (unlike the all white background that is used during the grading of the color). For example under normal lighting conditions an H color diamond may look colorless as a D when placed in a ring, especially when the two are put side by side for comparison.

One more factor that has an effect o the diamond's apparent color is the color of the mounting itself. Yellow in a diamond is less obvious when used with yellow gold and unlike that in a white metal mounting the yellow color in a diamond becomes more apparent.

Observers who aren't trained including many gemologists can't recognize a color grade from the one simply above or beneath unless the precious stones are looked side by side to each other in a specifically designed environment

As the carat weight of a diamond increases the importance of color also increases because color can be easily perceived in a larger diamond.

If you have any more or a specific question regarding the color education of a diamond or any other diamond aspect then you are requested to ask our diamond expert (Hyperlink- contact). A diamond expert will personally help solve all you queries. You can chat online or email us at: (Mail ID.)


If you are concerned about color, consider round, princess or other modified brilliant cuts over step cuts such as emerald or asscher because diamonds with more facets reflect more light, they tend to hide color better than other shapes. Look for G-J diamonds for the best value in what would appear to the naked eye as a colorless diamond. For diamonds that are under 1 carat opt for I-J and for diamonds over 1 carat opt for G-H.

Once these diamonds are placed in the ring they will all look similar to diamonds that have higher color grade. Hence instead of buying a diamond with higher color grade, invest in a diamond that has higher quality cut, always remember the most significant factor in a diamond is its brilliance.